Day 25: Mirror Image


Oh my dear friend T!  She and her son let me practice shoot them for their Holiday card today.  Her son was a little tense at first, not wanting to have anything to do with the camera. But once he was allowed to throw leaves and run and find some ducks, it was all mama snuggles and sweet smiles.  Of all the beautiful Christmas-card-worthy shots  we got, this one stood out as my favorite – the two of them side by side, stride by stride.  A clear image of how I see these two.  xo

Day 24: Beautiful Mess


With my friend Mary’s photo challenge in mind – this is truly a mess: the house, the focus, the unfinished photo projects you can all see – but the beautiful part is the moment..your whole point right Mary?? Well, maybe with a little better focus next time! 🙂

Day 20: Rocket Ship to Level 12

20131118-IMG_3485I have no idea where Luca got the idea that space had levels, he doesn’t play video games??

But somehow, he and Milo spent an hour in this ‘space ship’ where they achieved the highest ‘level of space’ – 12.  Well done.

Day 18: No Rain+Dad Home=Christmas Lights UP!


Andrew is slated for a 7 day work trip the first part of December.  With that in mind this very dry Saturday when we actually had NO plans for once (and likely not to happen again until 2014!) we decided to get a jump on the big Christmas decorating job – the lights.  Don’t worry, we’re not plugging them in until after Thanksgiving, but again, we’re totally busted.   (P.S. and the previously mentioned giant snowman has not been erected yet…stay tuned).